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automated imagealt text and tags

The Vizergy CMS now generates image alt text and image tags using AI. As users upload images into the CMS, AI automatically analyzes the images and describes what is in them. This enhancement helps make sure images are compliant and easily searchable.

image alt text

  • The CMS uses AI to identify the objects and actions taking place within an image so it can provide an overall description of an image.
  • Automated AI alt text eliminates the need for you to do the manual tedious task of describing images for alt text.
  • Alt text can always be updated later as images are selected for use throughout a website.

Image alt text (alternative text) describes the content of an image. Alt text is read aloud by screen readers for visually impaired users so they can know what a page's images represent. Alt text is also indexed by search engine bots to better understand the content of a page. It's extremely important for ADA compliance and site indexing.

an image analyzed with AI with boxes highlighting the objects within it

image tags

AI is also now used to generate tags for images which are used to make images more searchable and discoverable.

Many times images are uploaded with a non-descriptive file name like image1234.jpg and put into a generic folder which leads to images never being found or used again.

Now with automated image tags, you can search for things like “bed”, “pool”, “beach”, “food”, “people”, and “wedding” to find all of your images with these things in them.

two women on a bicycle