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Data: The Secret to Successful Digital Marketing

March 09, 2020
online success with technology

Achieving more success online starts with knowing your customers. By leveraging existing data assets, personalized marketing campaigns can be developed to target specific audiences - resulting in higher returns on investment. 

New Epsilon research found that 80% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase when a brand offers them personalized experiences. With this shift in how consumers make purchasing decisions online, implementing personalization is crucial for hoteliers looking to keep their share of direct bookings. 

Vizergy's guest acquisition technology, TargetingHub, simplifies data marketing for hotel marketers. Manage and aggregate data from existing hotel systems to identify your most profitable guests and target more that look just like them.

TargetingHub captures and appends guest data housed at various touch points throughout a customer's online booking journey, such as: website, property management system, mobile apps, loyalty programs, customer surveys, and more. View your customer data from a single dashboard and create target audiences based on individual interests and needs.

Develop personalized campaigns that speak directly to those audiences and deploy across various marketing channels. Delivering messaging relevant to guests will increase the likelihood of conversion. A survey from Campaign Monitor found that marketers report a 760% increase in direct revenue from personalized and segmented campaigns. 

Boost conversions by creating personalized experiences for your online customers. Request a TargetingHub demo today.

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