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Tag - Booking Engine

Personalization Improves Conversions

February 25, 2021
By: Kristen Sullivan   In a world where hyper-targeted ads have been deemed “creepy” and “intrusive,” the fact remains that people prefer personalized messaging that comes from data collection. Most consumers like seeing content applicable to their lives and interests as opposed to something irrelevant. According to  Statista , 90% of consumers find marketing content personalization appealing, and they are more responsive to tailored messages. However, there is a fine line between personalized marketing and marketing that is down-right invasive. The goal is to find a happy ...
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Inbound Marketing Techniques to Drive Traffic

November 17, 2020 Kristen Sullivan
inbound marketing techniques to boost hotel reservations
As consumers grow weary of advertising and an overload of intrusive content, inbound marketing techniques will bring attention to your hotel and increase conversions organically.
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COVID-19 Recovery Series: Distribution Strategy

June 11, 2020
vizergy_hotel global distribution
Hotel distribution has become increasingly complicated for hoteliers to manage and make the most of each channel that presents an opportunity to sell rooms. The growth in online travel agencies, including their high commissions and stranglehold over paid search activity on Google was a dominant feature of the hotel landscape over the last decade. Over the last few ...
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COVID-19 Recovery Series: Email Marketing

May 21, 2020
email marketing after covid-19
While our industry continues to deal with a state of travel that is breaking all norms, there is actually an opportunity to solidify relationships with your audience. A strong email marketing strategy will keep loyal guests engaged and can even be a source of positive news to your audience as you lead them down the booking path for the future. When they ...
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COVID-19 Recovery Series: Media Budgets & Targeting

April 30, 2020
Amongst the many uncertainties and changes COVID-19 has brought upon the world, one thing is certain: the coronavirus crisis will end and people will travel again.   There is pent-up demand for travel, in fact there’s already a term for it in China “revenge travel”, those who intend to travel to make up for lost time or because quarantine is ...
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Direct Bookings: It’s All About the Booking Engine

July 09, 2019
Increasing direct bookings continues to be a hot topic in the hospitality industry and a strategy we have yet to highlight is: The Booking Engine. Why is the Booking Engine important for direct bookings?  We know that first impressions and a beautiful, appealing design are key factors for any website to ...
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CMS Enhancement: Online Media & Campaign Tracking

June 05, 2019
cms enhancements
Vizergy’s latest enhancement to their  CMS platform  gives clients better tracking and reporting using Adobe Analytics. Adobe Analytics tracking has been enhanced to better track across separate domains such as online media, campaigns (email, display, etc.), and natural search. Enhanced tracking will allow clients to attribute more bookings to the channel they ...
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