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Tag - Google Updates

Where Did All the Cookies Go?

September 15, 2022 Daisy Tackett
cookies on a baking sheet
Google has been teasing the end of third-party cookies since 2020, but it seems as if they’ve finally decided on a concrete plan.
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Expert Panel:
2021 Google Updates

January 11, 2022 Trish Leighton
For SEO professionals, 2021 can be summed up in two words: algorithm updates. Last year, we saw an unprecedented number of search algorithm changes and tests that made the search result landscape far more volatile than in previous years. Some of these were confirmed by Google, and we were given some insight into what they ...
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2021 Google Updates

You’ve Gotta E-A-T to Rank in Search Engine Results

November 11, 2019
Google continually makes changes to improve their search results each day. Most changes aren’t noticeable but when an update contains actionable information, Google gives advanced notice and advice on how to respond those updates.
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Google’s New Algorithm Update – BERT

November 05, 2019
​Google has recently announced what they consider a major algorithm update, what many are calling their most important in the last 5 years.
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What Hoteliers Need to Know About Staying Relevant with Google Hotel Ads

It’s no secret that Google has played a significant role in the hospitality industry when it comes to online searches and generating direct bookings vs indirect bookings via OTAs. Online travelers often turn to Google when researching hotels, resulting in millions of hotel search queries each day. With so many eyes on these search ...
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