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Tag - Hotel Website Optimization

Do You Need to Update Your Website?

March 20, 2023 Daisy Tackett
woman sitting on bed, sipping from a mug, on a laptop
Your website is your virtual storefront, and it needs to look sharp, welcoming, and up-to-date. If your website looks like it's from the '90s, potential guests will assume your hotel is stuck in the past. So, let's dive into why having an updated website is so vital for hoteliers. User Experience ...
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Expert Panel:
2021 Google Updates

January 11, 2022 Trish Leighton
For SEO professionals, 2021 can be summed up in two words: algorithm updates. Last year, we saw an unprecedented number of search algorithm changes and tests that made the search result landscape far more volatile than in previous years. Some of these were confirmed by Google, and we were given some insight into what they ...
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2021 Google Updates

ADA Compliance

December 17, 2021 Johanna Dykstra
ADA Compliance
In 2018, Vizergy began noticing a sharp increase in lawsuits and threats to our clients regarding ADA accessibility information on their websites. When it comes to ADA compliance for a hotel, there are two points to consider when evaluating a website. The first point is to ensure the website is easy to use for screen ...
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Case Study: Converting leisure travelers

August 03, 2021
kayak in river
About Plantation on Crystal River Plantation on Crystal River is a beautiful, 232-acre resort surrounded by Kings Bay’s natural springs. The resort is part of the Ascend Hotel Collection®, a lifestyle division of Choice Hotels®. Recognized as the hotel industry’s first soft-brand concept, each of the Ascend Collection hotels is ...
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Hotel Website Design in 2021

April 15, 2021 Jeremiah Mathews
Website Design 2021
The past year was unlike any other for the hospitality industry and many hoteliers made the difficult decision to reduce their digital marketing efforts to save money until revenue streams increased. In many cases, paid media budgets were reduced to zero, hotels physically closed their doors (some temporarily and others for good), and websites remained ...
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Vizergy Launches New Website Projects a World Apart

Dubbel Dutch and Villa Escalesia
Vizergy Digital Marketing announced the launch of two stunning new websites. The focus of both projects center on best practices in design, guest engagement, conversion and storytelling.
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Behind the Build: The Galapagos Island’s Villa Escalesia

November 20, 2019
Villa Escalesia
Villa Escalesia came to Vizergy with stunning photography featuring their amazing oceanfront mansion and the wonderful wildlife that makes Galapagos famous.
Read More About Behind the Build: The Galapagos Island’s Villa Escalesia

Creating Unique Experiences for Hotel Website Visitors

Creating unique experiences for website visitors using personalization tactics starts with determining target audiences. Mapping audiences by similar attributes such as new or return visitors, visitors from a specific campaign, from social networks, mobile visitors or a visitor from a certain geographic location will help craft content that speaks to each audience best. ...
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The Clevelander Hotel Website: Divide & Conquer

Clevelander Hotel Website:
Our client, Clevelander South Beach, located in South Beach Miami has three separate properties. Originally, all three properties shared a website until Vizergy was tasked with  creating different sites for each property that best highlight their appeal. The Clevelander Hotel’s website featured an additional two locations, Essex House and The Stiles Hotel, in ...
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