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personalized experiencesfor every visitor

The Vizergy CMS now includes personalization for all websites, allowing everyone to serve targeted personalized experiences for their visitors.

the details

Create personalization audiences centrally within the Vizergy CMS and apply them to widgets throughout your website. Target visitors based on details like their distance from the property or area attractions, their referring website, or the specific campaign they came from.

An easy way to start with personalization is referencing your web analytics to identify groups of people already visiting your website. Review your top cities, top referring domains, and other similar segments. Create personalization audiences for those visitors and measure the conversion boost.

Click the button below to download the Vizergy Website Personalization Guide.

Personalization Guide

a screenshot of the cms personalization feature

how it
helps you

Website personalization is a tactic used to appeal to visitors with targeted messaging and content within a property’s website. Rather than having one broad message, website personalization allows you to segment visitors by shared attributes to serve them with relevant offers and messages tailored to their needs.

Speaking directly to a visitor's interests on your property's website creates a more meaningful experience for them and increases their likelihood of converting.

a man and woman sitting on a couch looking at a laptop