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a proven platformyours for the asking

Reinventing the wheel only gets you another wheel. It’s been done, it’s a costly venture, and no one will see the difference. The same is true for building and hosting your own marketing management platform. That’s been done with award-winning success by Vizergy, so there’s no need to spend time and money reinventing it. Just white label it. It’s easy. It’s proven. And no one will be the wiser.

let us manage the
production for you

Leave it to us. Building out a data center, configuring an enterprise-level analytics platform, and testing, tweaking, and managing it is no small feat. We are experts at high up times, solid security, timely updates, and blazing-fast speeds. Count on Vizergy to keep everything running seamlessly so you can focus on the important things — like your customers.

White label login screen
Woman using the cms

frequently asked questions